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The objective of the Skamania County Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Program is to:
  • Advocate for policies that support business growth and development and promote a business friendly environment
  • Advocate for stable and sustainable funding for Skamania County and against unfunded mandates
  • Bring an awareness of the needs of our rural community and support the thoughtful planning of our rural and urban areas
  • Educate our members on new legislation and policies

Through these efforts we will provide added value to our membership.

The Skamania County Chamber of Commerce is a non-partisan organization.  We do not endorse political parties or candidates.  The Chamber’s advocacy work is focused on initiatives concerning land use, transportation, economic development, education & workforce, taxation, and rural vitality.
The Chamber supports ensuring a balance of commercial, industrial and public land be available for development, commerce and recreational activities. We encourage federal, state and local governments to create incentives for economic development, streamline permit processes in order to support consistent and reasonable applications of land use laws, and reduce barriers to development within the urban boundaries of Skamania County.
The Chamber supports continuous investment in a modern, safe and reliable transportation system that supports the efficient movement of people, products and goods. Transportation is vital to a healthy business climate and promotes economic development.
The Chamber will advocate for legislation and regulation that enhances and encourages sustainable and thoughtful economic development. The Chamber will work to ensure the resources, technical assistance and programs needed to support and strengthen new and existing businesses will be available. The Chamber is opposed to legislation or regulation that hinders economic expansion.
The Chamber recognizes the essential role education plays in a region’s economic success. The Chamber advocates for adequate funding and responsible spending in education; supports investment in collaborative business/education partnerships that work to provide a stable and skilled workforce, and strives to maintain a strong and vibrant relationship with our region’s public school districts and systems of higher education.
Taxes should be levied only for the purpose of supporting essential government services and infrastructure while minimizing detrimental effects on economic vitality. Careful consideration should be given to the relationship of federal, state, regional and local tax assessments in order to promote and sustain economic growth.
In order to have a healthy and productive community, the Chamber will advocate for policies and programs that support diverse cultural, educational and economic opportunities, essential infrastructure including broadband, equitable access to services, sustainable resource management, and positive community capacity.
As a champion for local business, the Skamania County Chamber of Commerce advocates for policies that support business growth and development and promote a business friendly environment. In the 2024 legislative session, the Chamber will act on the following priorities:
  • Oppose efforts to raise business taxes.
  • Support consistent funding for state tourism program and protection of lodging tax dollars.
  • Advocate for energy choices so employers and consumers will have access to the energy source that makes the most sense for their circumstance.
  • Advocate for diverse and economically stable energy supply that protects hydropower and river commerce.
  • Advocate for legislation to address shortfalls the state’s Paid Family & Medical Leave program and increased accountability.
  • Address the lack of flexibility in the Long-Term Care Act.
  • Support programs that will better align educators and employers with workforce needs.
  • Support legislation that will combat retail theft and enhance public safety.
  • Support investments dedicated to improved Columbia River crossings (including 1-5 Bridge, Bridge of the Gods and Hood River Bridge).
  • Advocate with L&I to focus on keeping workers safe and not increasing Workers Compensation insurance premiums and adding unnecessary restrictions to requirements already in place.
  • Support initiatives to assist communities in the build out of workforce housing.
  • Advocate for incentives for businesses that offer childcare support for employees.
  • Advocate to stabilize regulations on childcare facilities.
2023 Legislative Action
Important Voter Information