
How relevant is the Chamber to local businesses

Skamania County Chamber of Commerce is a champion for business. We support regional prosperity through business promotion, advocacy, collaboration and community connections.

How relevant is the Chamber to local businesses? According to a recent survey of our membership, the Chamber is very relevant! Members feel the chamber is doing a great job of promoting the community, being a champion for a stronger community and helping to build business relationships. Our strongest attributes are:

1. Being a hub of information
2. Being a trusted convener
3. Keeping up

The top reasons why businesses are members of the Chamber include:

1. Connections with other businesses
2. Business exposure
3. They want to make a difference in the community
4. Various benefits offered by the Chamber

Benefits that are most valuable to our members are:
1. Newsletter and social media posts
2. Networking events
3. Shop Local campaigns
4. Discounted co-op advertising opportunities

Of course the Chamber can improve and that was the reason behind the survey. We learned about new benefits and services that would be valuable to our members and we are creating a plan to add these services in! We also are looking to improve on solving problems and advocating for our business community. 2021 will be filled with new and exciting things for the Chamber and its members. Look forward to announcements from us in the New Year as to how we will better serve our businesses and our community!

Interested in joining the Skamania County Chamber of Commerce and becoming a member? Contact us at 509-427-8911 or email info@skamania.org. We would like to welcome these new members that joined in September:

One Prevention Alliance
Selkirk Residential
Richard Mahar

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