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Public Transportation Throughout the Gorge

GOrge Pass Offers Unlimited Travel to and from Portland/Vancouver and Around the Columbia Gorge

The innovative GOrge Pass allows for unlimited travel in Hood River, Wasco, Klickitat and Skamania counties as well as to Portland, Multnomah Falls and Troutdale for one low price.

Four Gorge transit providers have teamed up to offer unlimited, fixed route rides to riders with a GOrge Pass:

  • Columbia Area Transit (CAT), including the Columbia Gorge Express and the Gorge-to-Mountain Express in winter
  • The Link Public Transit (The Link)
  • Mt. Adams Transportation Service (MATS)
  • Skamania County Transit

The GOrge Pass provides local riders, commuters, tourists, adventurers, and everyone in between with an easy, affordable way to get from here to there. Transferring from one service to the next is as simple as showing your GOrge Pass. For only $40 per adult for year-long use ($20 for youth under 17), the GOrge Pass can be downloaded onto your smartphone via downloading the Token Transit app or purchased as a physical pass that fits in your wallet.



  • $40 Adults
  • $20 Youth under 17


  • An annual pass connecting Portland/Vancouver and the Columbia Gorge. The GOrge Pass is good for the calendar year, ending on December 31.
  • Unlimited fixed route rides on CAT (including the Columbia Gorge Express and the Gorge-to-Mountain Express), The Link, MATS, and Skamania County Transit buses.
  • To relax and enjoy the scenery while we drive—and no driving or parking hassles!

For more information, or to purchase a pass, visit gorgepass.com.

Skamania County Transit Benefits
  • #1 | Open to the general public – no restrictions on age or trip purpose
  • #2 | Unaccompanied passengers under age 12 must call for pre-authorization to ride
  • #3 | Services extends from Fisher’s Landing Transit Center to Carson
  • #4 | Links to C-TRAN to access Portland/Vancouver are

Did You Know? You can experience the Columbia River Gorge without a car?  Explore the area by foot, bike, bus or train!  For more on car free travel: www.columbiagorgecarfree.com/welcome